Our Suppliers

Innovative tools strengthen collaboration with our suppliers. Digital transformation enables us to use innovative IT applications and tools to make collaboration with our suppliers even faster, simpler and more efficient. These applications cover both the strategic procurement process (Source-to-Contract) and the entire operational process from placement of the purchase order to invoice receipt
Offer Summary
Become an accredited HANSE Business Class Partner based on a VIP Level including Tender Invitations
Free corporate registration and offer
Complete the Regular Assessment Formalities to gain access to HANSE Business Class to negotiate your proposal upon our invitation.
3. Select your Business Level
Optional: Complete Classified Assessment as Broker, Trader or Producer to access the firm business level as underwriters
4. Be registered in our global database
Get your business in front of ~21,000 readers by either Classified Assessment, or by a paid listing (€120 p.a.)in our central database as below.

We purchase petroleum products and crude oil worldwide, by way of direct purchase or counter trade terms and conditions. We handle and tailore all aspects of counter trade on a global scale. If you wish we also finance your transactions.
We purchase
Submit your free registration format that will be filed in our purchase department and not published. If you are which to get your offer implemented in our central database (~2500 accredited partners) please complete the Regular Assessment formalities.
We purchase petroleum products and crude oil by direct purchase or countertrade terms. We handle and customize all aspects of countertrade on a global scale. If interested, we can also finance your transactions. We also take your quotes for tank storage worldwide.
We purchase
Submit your free registration format, which will be filed in our purchasing department (not published). If you wish to have your offer included in our central database (~4100 accredited partners and ~21,000 visitors), please complete the regular evaluation formalities or request a paid registration as suggested above (€120 per year).
Become a part of our global data base
Expand your business and gain access to ~21,000 visitors from a global database of professionals, brokers, and traders in the energy, gas, and oil sectors, as well as commodity trading. Maximize your trading potential with a strategic placement and connect with the core of our alliance.
Type of Company
Email and Mobile
Trade Name
Product Group
Sample Pass
Apply by email, upon receipt we will send you the application form and payment details. One time fee p.a. $140. No fees for Classified Partner.
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